


姓    名:张冲冲

职    务:无

职    称:讲师

学    历:博士研究生






2012年9月-2016年7月 西安财经大学工业工程专业 管理学学士

2016年9月-2019年4月 华北电力大学工业工程专业 工程硕士

2019年9月-2024年7月 厦门大学技术经济及管理专业 管理学博士


2024年7月-至今        东北大学秦皇岛分校管理学院 专任教师





[1] 国家自然科学基金重点项目:能源产业升级、环境污染治理与经济高质量发展(参与)

[2] 国家社会科学基金重点项目:绿色金融创新与政策研究(参与)

[3] 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目: “双碳”目标对生产率的中长期影响测度与动态监测研究(参与)

[3]《中国能源发展报告》, 2020 年,2021年,2022年,2023年,北京大学出版社(参与)


[1] Zhang, Chongchong., Lin, Boqiang.*, 2024. Impact of introducing Chinese Certified Emission Reduction scheme to the carbon market: Promoting renewable energy. Renewable Energy, 222. SCI, (SCI, JCR Q1, IF:8.6,TOP Journal)

[2] Zhang, Chongchong., Lin, Boqiang.*, 2023. Assessing and interpreting carbon market efficiency based on an interpretable machine learning. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 179, 822-834. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF:7.8,TOP Journal)

[3] Zhang, Chongchong., Cai X., Lin, Boqiang.*, 2023. The low-carbon transition of China's power sector: Scale effect of grid upgrading. Energy, 285, 129321 (SCI, JCR Q1, IF:9, TOP Journal)

[4] Zhang, Chongchong., Lin, Boqiang.*, 2023a. Carbon prices forecasting based on the singular spectrum analysis, feature selection, and deep learning: Toward a unified view. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 177, 932-3946. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF:7.8,TOP Journal)

[5] Lin, Boqiang.*, Zhang, Chongchong., 2022b. The overall and time-varying efficiency test for the carbon market in China. Journal of Environmental Management, 322, 116072. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF:8.7, ABS 3, TOP Journal)

[6] Lin, Boqiang.*, Zhang, Chongchong., 2022a. Forecasting carbon price in the European carbon market: The role of structural changes. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 166, 341-354. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF:7.8, TOP Journal)

[7] Lin, Boqiang.*, Zhang, Chongchong., 2021. A novel hybrid machine learning model for short-term wind speed prediction in inner Mongolia, China. Renewable Energy, 179, 1565-1577. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF: 8.634, TOP Journal)

[8] Sun, Wei., Zhang, Chongchong.*, 2018a. Analysis and forecasting of the carbon price using multi resolution singular value decomposition and extreme learning machine optimized by adaptive whale optimization algorithm. Applied Energy, 231, 1354-1371. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF: 11.446, TOP Journal)

[9] Sun, Wei., Wang, C.*, Zhang, Chongchong., 2017. Factor analysis and forecasting of CO2 emissions in Hebei, using extreme learning machine based on particle swarm optimization. Journal of Cleaner Production, 162, 1095-1101. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF:11.072, TOP Journal)

[10] Sun, Wei., Zhang, Chongchong.*, Sun, C., 2018b. Carbon pricing prediction based on wavelet transform and K-ELM optimized by bat optimization algorithm in China ETS: the case of Shanghai and Hubei carbon markets. Carbon Management, 9, 605-617. (SCI&SSCI, JCR Q3, IF:3.5)

[11] Sun, Wei., Zhang, Chongchong.*, 2018b. A Hybrid BA-ELM Model Based on Factor Analysis and Similar-Day Approach for Short-Term Load Forecasting. Energies, 11. SCI, (SCI, JCR Q3, IF:3.0)


Energy Economics, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Energy, Renewable Energy, Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of Forecasting, Expert systems with applications期刊审稿人



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